*English version begins by the end of Japanese text.































ゾンビは生ける死者であり、恐るべきものとして社会から排除されるが、人びとにとって外部の敵ではない。人はゾンビに噛まれ、感染するとゾンビに転化(変身)してしまうのであり、だからゾンビは外部的でありながら、同時に内部的な存在なのだ。つまりゾンビによって生と死が反転する。「Living Dead」と呼ばれたりするのは、ゾンビが生と死の境界を自由に往還する存在であることを指し示している。司令官マルコスの言葉はこの事態を語っているだろう。















  Like “Zombie Revolution”

                                                                       2017   Node Federation

Following the Communist Manifesto of 1848, we believe that “A ghost is appearing in the world, a ghost called zombie. All the powers on earth are forming an alliance to defeat this ghost.”

The reason why zombies are so attractive to people is probably because deep down everyone harbors a desire for “absolute freedom” a desire to completely escape from the oppression imposed by the state and society.

At the same time, because the dead, being zombies, know no discrimination whatsoever, it attracts everyone who has a desire for a “new community” a desire to connect with strangers, even those who are hated and rejected by society, and to live together more freely.

The only attribute of the zombies is that they are already dead. Ethnicity, race, sex, age, and of course status and honor in life are completely meaningless for them. In their world, the principle that “death treats everyone equally” is adhered to.

People fear, hate, envy, betray, discriminate, or are betrayed and discriminated, and they also have hopes and illusions, but zombies, as the dead, are free from these sufferings.

They are free from all state control, have no fixed place of residence, no possessions, and wander freely in silence, without a destination. The only thing that moves the zombies is the smell of living humans, that is, the smell of their future comrades.

The state believes that by confining them to “concentration camps” as living dead with no human rights (so they are no longer citizens, and whoever kills a zombie will not be charged with murder), they can contain their proliferation.

However, this attempt is doomed to fail. The zombies will inevitably overcome the camps that the authorities have placed in their midst. This is because the zombies will emerge one after another from within the state, i.e., outside the concentration camps, thus the boundary between the inside and outside of the concentration camps will be eliminated.

They cannot be contained, codified or territorialized.

The zombies emerge from every sphere, from the very bottom to the very top of the power centers of corrupt states that seeking to control and monitoring all forms of human life, at homes, on the street, at workplaces, and emerge from even among politicians and state bureaucrats.

Since the zombies are born in the very sphere in which the state functions, the state must issue a death sentence to itself in order to contain and oppose the zombies. However, those who hold power in the state will not give up their power. Therefore, the battle between the state and the zombies will be a “permanent war” until the state collapses.

No matter how many times those in power try to defeat them, the zombies continue to surge in like a tsunami, and no longer have any artificial borders, overflowing from them and forming ever larger hordes. The zombies are a global army that annihilates and transcends every borders. By infiltrating the world, the zombies destroy them and then remake it.

The zombies are beings that nullify not only artificial borders, but all the power of the state that controls people’s bodies and lives, and all the laws. Therefore, they are neither citizens nor nationals. They are a third kind of new inhabitant of the Earth, existing beyond the disappearance of nation states.

The surging hordes of the zombies embody the hopeless, death-ridden world that will likely come at the end of capitalism. The final form of state in capitalism, that is, the state that aims for death, is fascism. It is only when fascism rises and begins to aim for power that zombies are born in large numbers and then their decisive battle with the state begins.

However, they are also a harbinger of a new world that may come even further in the future, a new life that is part of the earth and reconciled with it.

As if there was hope in the deepest despair, as if new life and community were impossible without first passing through a world of death and destruction that would throw all systems of state and social control into disarray.

Today in the 2010s, capitalism and the nations that support it are losing untouched territories and labor forces on the planet from which they can make excess profits. This will ultimately lead to even more severe and cruel exploitation of the people in each region, leading nations into civil wars between the 1% privileged bourgeoisie and the 99% non-bourgeoisie. Neoliberalism, which rationalizes this, is the last ideology of capitalists and state bureaucrats.

Factories and businesses, camouflaged by law, have become de facto prisons, the police have full control of the streets, public gatherings have been banned, and martial law has been declared.

Despite this, 99% of people around the world are now openly rebelling against capital and the state.

The battle of zombies has already begun from prisons inside and concentration camps outside. The rebellion of the zombies and the wage war against them by capital and the state is global and permanent.

In order to survive this brutal civil war, capital and the state have no choice but to move more thoroughly toward total control of the people. This aims for the people’s “identification” with the state, however, will ultimately invite a “world of death”.

Therefore, the zombies are nothing more than the figures of those who are inevitably created, eliminated, isolated, and killed in the process of this civil war against fascism.

Why does “identification” with the state brings about a “world of death”?

We have already pointed out (in “Notes for the Nord Federation”) that “differences between people are natural and an unavoidable attribute of humanity, but the very attempt to eliminate them and to make all people the same is an impossible and reckless attempt that can only be achieved through violence. And this violence will inevitably escalate to death. So the origin of the desire for identification is the ‘desire for death (Thanatos)’.”

However, because the zombies are considered nothing in national and legal terms and because they are dead, they escape “identification” and, conversely, end up engulfing the state in their nothingness. From nothingness, a new form of life that nobody has ever experienced before is born. What is this “new form of life”? It is probably not a simple resurrection to life, but, as Marcos, the vice commander of the Zapatista National Liberation Front, says, it is a life that is always with death, one that internalizes death as follows;

“Paradoxically, here death begins to take off its tragic cloak. Death becomes commonplace and loses its sacredness It’s just like old friends sitting at a table together.”

The state ultimately creates the zombies from within in order to kill itself. The death of capitalism and the state and the creation of the zombies are twin events.

The zombies cannot speak, they can only scream, so they cannot be controlled in the way that capital or the state do, that is, by language that functions as a command. They are already foreign to language, and therefore to logic.

And they are not a class, but as the living dead, they are nothing. Therefore, as Marxists have hoped, the zombies will not create a millennial communist society. Because the zombies, who do not speak, are nothing, the “story of revolution” has no relevance to them.

The zombies are “emotional animals that exist in groups” that transcend human logic, and their struggles can never be pre-established. They always arise as “events” that are beyond our expectations. Even if they give rise to a “new community” that no one has ever experienced before, this is a result, and no one can know its form or timing in advance.

Hobbes states that living outside the state means “men become wolves one to another, and are in a state of perpetual war” (“Leviathan”). However, the zombies, who are excluded from the state as nothing, are dead and can not become wolves.

As dead people, each is alone and does not relate to the others. However, they relate in an unrelated way and form a pack. This is because the waves of emotions of anger, sadness, and hatred within them are transmitted by screams, not by words, and vibrate and call others to them.

Nietzsche once wrote;

“They come like fate, without reason, without logic, without reserve, without pretext. They are there with the speed of lightning. They are too terrible, too sudden, too persuasive, too foreign, not even to be objects of hatred at all.” (“The Genealogy of Morals”)

The “they” referred to here would be the zombies, who are the most vulnerable beings that anyone can kill, yet at the same time are invincible.

The zombies are the living dead, and are rejected from society as something to be feared, but they are not an external enemy to people. When a person is bitten by a zombie and infected, he/she is transformed into a zombie, so the zombies are external and internal at the same time. In other words, the zombies reverse life and death. The fact that they are called the “Living Dead” indicates that zombies are beings that freely travel between the boundaries of life and death.

Commander Marcos’ words probably speak of this situation.

“We suddenly realize that we are walking a path between life and death, You realize you are walking on the edge of the boundary between life and death.”

When you come into contact with a zombie, you become infected, transform instantly, and move into the world of the dead, which terrifies people, especially those who hold power by monitoring, managing, and ordering the lives of the living. To them, the zombies are an “unforgivable enemy” that must be repeled to the outside, isolated, and ultimately exterminated, so that the state and society will not be perished from the infection. Or, more accurately, so that they themselves will not be perished.

For the nameless people, however, this transformation into death is both a source of fear and a source of hope. By transforming into the zombies, they are able to escape all constraints and debts, and they are also able to take their revenge to their heart’s content, without any restrictions, on those who have organized, coded, and imprisoned them in a small, narrow world, namely a concentration camp.

So while people were initially terrified of the zombies, they eventually began to feel something akin to “friendship” with them, and eventually they began to willingly throw themselves into the zombie horde, hoping to transform into one of the dead.

According to Deleuze and Guattari, the “body without organs” which is the natural origin of humans, is considered to be the “instinct to die” itself. In this sense, zombies are “bodies without organs” This is because the zombies are “unmoving movers”

At the same time, as beings that go back and forth between life and death, as beings that are constantly being produced from within while being driven outside the state, they are also “war machines” that fight a perpetual war with the state.

Or perhaps it is precisely the “bare life” that Agamben speaks about is the zombie. Deprived of all the human rights, “anyone can kill them, and they are denied any celebrations.” The zombies are beings that not only illuminate the basis of state power, but undermine and neutralize it.

In the past, Marxists affirmed and justified the transitional state by saying that “after a political revolution, the dictatorship of the proletariat, which is the propertyless class, is necessary in order to realize the annihilation of the state.”

However, this transitional state was of course far from being transitional; it became a totalitarian state that oppressed the people permanently. However, the zombies as a swarm annihilate anything that could be called a state from the start, and remain completely unrelated to any power. The dead are always alone, and it is impossible to exercise dictatorship over the dead.

We might say that zombies are none other than ourselves, incarnate our despair and our hopes, and we are tempted to go even further: live and rebel like the zombies.

The zombies die hard. They are already dead, still will rise again and again as the “living dead”.

In other words, unless the global environment changes drastically for some reason or we are struck by a catastrophic tragedy such as a global nuclear war or a chain of nuclear accidents (the possibility of such an event is not zero), the zombie revolution will ultimately triumph, that means, “the disappearance of capitalism and nation states and the victory of the zombies as a horde” itself will certainly come. This is truly a great hope for us.